Monday 1 November 2010

Production schedule (updated)

Wednesday 3rdth November shooting the footage in the small room after school hoping to spend roughly an hour shooting and finish that part of the film in the afternoon. Putting this shot first because the lighting in the room won’t be natural and it might get dark

Tuesday 9th November – shooting the footage in the field after school hoping to spend an hour and a half shooting and get the scene finished. Shooting this now because I will be able to close the curtains in the hall to minimise the change in natural lighting at the time of the shoot because this will affect the colour capture effect that I am using.

Saturday 13th November – shooting footage in both the hall and the common room. Looking to spend roughly 2- 2 and a half hours shooting on this day as I’m doing 2 scenes. I’m doing it on the Saturday as I need it to be a daytime shot because I can’t alter or change the lighting at all on the outside shot and will be hard to alter in the common room.

(I have chosen the days because of peoples free time and ability to participate as well as the reasons stated above)

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