Thursday 4 November 2010

first shoot bad (updated)

first shoot went wrong because alot of things happened i didnt expect. i.e. dropping the drumstick in the drum. also the test footage i shot in summer worked in this location but when we shot this it was dark outside so the lighting was wrong therefore the coulour dash effect dosent work anywhere near as well as i need it to. i am going to reshoot it and get it right next time. also the time constrictions on actors meant we had little time to actually shoot and setting up toook alot longer than expected. also for some reason the file size of the video is 20.8 GB for some reason preventing me from being able to upload it i have tried to change the bit rate and FPS but none of this works and the smallest i can get the file to go is 5.2GB. however i am currently exporting the file to premier and rendering it to make the file manageable.

1 comment:

  1. You need to make sure that you include a lot more technical detail in your blog entries, particularly relating to the issue you are having with After Effects and the ways in which you are trying to combat these. Really, you should be writing significantly longer blog entries and including some screen-grabs in order to illustrate your points.
