Wednesday 17 November 2010

in rainbows

this is the front cover for radioheads in rainbows. the cover is very indie because it is starnge and unconventional in the way it repeats the name of the album over and over in diffrent coulours. the plain bland font of the text is very original and the randomly placed pieces of grammar makes the consumer wonder why it is there making it far more suseptable to sticking in the mind of the consumer. the space age image in the background it also quite indie and draws your attention to the image before you read it. the constant repetition of the albums name makes it really stick in your mind because it is a very powerful image that people will generally remember quite well. however the bright colours and lively image are quite subversive of the genre as they are usually darker images such as the daydream youth album by sonic youth. however there is far less of an agenda to sell with this album cover as the album was released online letting people pay whatever they coose for it from nothing to hundreds of pounds. this actually paid off and was the most profitable album of the year with certain fans paying upwards of £10,000 for the abum.

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