Monday 22 November 2010

i have started editing the footage i shot on thursday and it looks good the ligting in the common room is much better and the coulour effect works well now.

Thursday 18 November 2010

my blog and me :)

since i started my blog my skills in blogging and analytical media skills have vastly improved. for example my amount of research has gotten better and my planning has improved massively. i looked back over my blog and from october onwards i can see a clear improvment to the relevance of the entries and the quality. furthermore the amount of blooging has substantially increaced since my as work.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

in rainbows

this is the front cover for radioheads in rainbows. the cover is very indie because it is starnge and unconventional in the way it repeats the name of the album over and over in diffrent coulours. the plain bland font of the text is very original and the randomly placed pieces of grammar makes the consumer wonder why it is there making it far more suseptable to sticking in the mind of the consumer. the space age image in the background it also quite indie and draws your attention to the image before you read it. the constant repetition of the albums name makes it really stick in your mind because it is a very powerful image that people will generally remember quite well. however the bright colours and lively image are quite subversive of the genre as they are usually darker images such as the daydream youth album by sonic youth. however there is far less of an agenda to sell with this album cover as the album was released online letting people pay whatever they coose for it from nothing to hundreds of pounds. this actually paid off and was the most profitable album of the year with certain fans paying upwards of £10,000 for the abum.

Monday 15 November 2010

this is the back of the daydream nation album by sonic youth on this the imagery is less pronounced and the track listing is over the top of it. however it still conforms to the simplicity of the album as the writing is very bold and plain but still effective. for example the boxes around the cd numbers makes them stand out on the back cover. also the writing for the side of the album is very diffrent to the rest of the albums feel as it is quite fancy and bold not like the simple writing on the back. it means that in your cd collection it will stand out almost screaming LISTEN TO ME ! lastly the image of the candle is much less effective as it is blurred on the back this is because the band want the names of the songs to stick in your mind not the image of the album alone.

sonic youth daydream nation

this is the front cover for sonic youths daydream nation. it conforms to the indie genre with the simplicity if the imagery that still has a large imact on the consumer. the image used is somewhat striking and extremely effective as it is regarded as one of the top 10 indie albums ever. the grainy writing and image make it look although the image is printed on canvas and makes it look a little dirty. the image has dark undertones and isnt as happy and cheerfull as the laura marling album. it gives connotations that sonic youth are like the last candle still lit and there lighting a dark room. this is an album cover i remember finding good even as a child when i would flick through my mothers album collection. this proves that it is the kind of image that sticks in your head despite its prevehlent simplicity and dark undertones. also the fact that the band name is very pronounced on the front of the album cover means that not only the image the name of the band and album will also leave an impact on the viewer. finally it conforms with the name of the album ''daydream nation'' it gives connotations of political undertones and fighting the system because it is just a daydream not reality.
sorted the size of the clip out here it is but the quality is poor and obviously the lighting is terrible


again i wasnt able to shoot my footage on the weekend as i was away visiting my gran in hospital in manchester. meaning i will have to re-scedule the shoot for this week

Thursday 11 November 2010

really usefull

this webpage is really usefull as a comparison for video and someone who subverts genre

my development

Since the start of this year, and since my last project i have vastly improved my skills in media. My analytical knowlage , skill, planning and my research skills have taken a large step up from my a2 skill. A good example of this is the fact that i have been doing alot of research into the genre and looked at what skillbases i need for my piece. Furthermore i have learnt how to analyse other peoples work during research and draw inspiration from it. Lastly my knowlage of lighting and other factors that effect a shoot has improved and i have learnt how to compensate or control these things during my shoots.

laura marling alas i cannot swim front

the front cover of this album cover is subversive of the indie/folk genre as it usually uses quite dark imagery and obviously this does not conform to this. It is a very eye catching piece of artwork on the front and the intricate design draws you in to study it further. in my digipack i would like to have a simelar effect that draws people in to look at it more. however not using this style of image or artwork. the quaint little flower that is removed from the rest of the cover instantly draws your eye to the name of the artist and the cleverly placed name of the album directly beneath it is the next path for your vision. this is very clever because not only is it subversive but it is a good way to get the artists name stuck in your head. however the inventivness of the artwork of the coulourfull yet dark forest draws on many points of the indie ideology and is therefore conformative.
couldent shoot my footage on wednesday because i was in manchester attending to some personal issues

Monday 8 November 2010

back cover of alas i cannot swim

this is the back of the digipak for alas i cannot swim. it has the same artwork throught the digipak but this is far more tightly packed than the inlay. it has the tracklisting and numbers but has the artwork and tracklist seperate. this conforms to the genre as it is light and simple but has a good effect. the font of the tracklist is quite italic and the numbers are in a far smaller font than the song titles. the artwork is using the same yellow and orange artwork all through the digipak and has the name of the album up the left hand side in what looks like handwriting.

digipack research laura marling alas i cannot swim

this is the inside cover of the laura marling album Alas i cannot swim. the artwork is very simelar to the rest of the digipack and holds significance to the albums songs. It has the thanks on for the album and it is quite subversive of the indie genre in some ways but in others it completely conforms to it. for example the light colourfull artwork is very subversive as typical imagery used in indie digipacks is very arthouse and usually in black and white. however the album keeps to the indie roots with the stylistic workthat isnt perfectly drawn and has a certain edge to it that draws you in to study it further. also it is indipendent and other albums arent like it therefore indie and diffrent. also the end line of ''heres to fearless enjoyment...'' is a quote that people will use and is very stylistic. it conforms to the genre in the way that it is art with words not just pictures.

Thursday 4 November 2010

first shoot bad (updated)

first shoot went wrong because alot of things happened i didnt expect. i.e. dropping the drumstick in the drum. also the test footage i shot in summer worked in this location but when we shot this it was dark outside so the lighting was wrong therefore the coulour dash effect dosent work anywhere near as well as i need it to. i am going to reshoot it and get it right next time. also the time constrictions on actors meant we had little time to actually shoot and setting up toook alot longer than expected. also for some reason the file size of the video is 20.8 GB for some reason preventing me from being able to upload it i have tried to change the bit rate and FPS but none of this works and the smallest i can get the file to go is 5.2GB. however i am currently exporting the file to premier and rendering it to make the file manageable.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

a couple of changes to the storyboard. on the final location change when the lead singer spins the camera round it will now spin 360 back to him instead of cutting to a two shot and now the lead and girl dont actually kiss on camera just come close to it.

Monday 1 November 2010

Production schedule (updated)

Wednesday 3rdth November shooting the footage in the small room after school hoping to spend roughly an hour shooting and finish that part of the film in the afternoon. Putting this shot first because the lighting in the room won’t be natural and it might get dark

Tuesday 9th November – shooting the footage in the field after school hoping to spend an hour and a half shooting and get the scene finished. Shooting this now because I will be able to close the curtains in the hall to minimise the change in natural lighting at the time of the shoot because this will affect the colour capture effect that I am using.

Saturday 13th November – shooting footage in both the hall and the common room. Looking to spend roughly 2- 2 and a half hours shooting on this day as I’m doing 2 scenes. I’m doing it on the Saturday as I need it to be a daytime shot because I can’t alter or change the lighting at all on the outside shot and will be hard to alter in the common room.

(I have chosen the days because of peoples free time and ability to participate as well as the reasons stated above)