Monday 6 December 2010

this is my forst post for a week due to the extreme weather conditions that have been going on. this is the forst day back at school and i am still yet to see peter (one of my actors) and neither has anyone all week so i dont know whats going on there. the snow has braught unforseen complications to my shoot and i now feel that the shot outside is virtually impossible as the snow would make the instruments and amplifiers wet. it has been suggested to me to put them on wooden boards or binbags but the fact it that the snow is still far too deep to actually film in and would cause a continuity nightmare. furthermore there may be some problems with lauren, who is meant to be playing the girl as i am unshure is she wants to do it anymore. finding the right kind of person for this role is proving a challenge as not many people have the confidence and charisma to be in the film. in my opinion if lauren refuses to participate i may have to rewright the storyboard and get rid of the girl concept all together as she was my only taker to the idea of doing it and i cant think of anyone else who would be practical.

Monday 22 November 2010

i have started editing the footage i shot on thursday and it looks good the ligting in the common room is much better and the coulour effect works well now.

Thursday 18 November 2010

my blog and me :)

since i started my blog my skills in blogging and analytical media skills have vastly improved. for example my amount of research has gotten better and my planning has improved massively. i looked back over my blog and from october onwards i can see a clear improvment to the relevance of the entries and the quality. furthermore the amount of blooging has substantially increaced since my as work.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

in rainbows

this is the front cover for radioheads in rainbows. the cover is very indie because it is starnge and unconventional in the way it repeats the name of the album over and over in diffrent coulours. the plain bland font of the text is very original and the randomly placed pieces of grammar makes the consumer wonder why it is there making it far more suseptable to sticking in the mind of the consumer. the space age image in the background it also quite indie and draws your attention to the image before you read it. the constant repetition of the albums name makes it really stick in your mind because it is a very powerful image that people will generally remember quite well. however the bright colours and lively image are quite subversive of the genre as they are usually darker images such as the daydream youth album by sonic youth. however there is far less of an agenda to sell with this album cover as the album was released online letting people pay whatever they coose for it from nothing to hundreds of pounds. this actually paid off and was the most profitable album of the year with certain fans paying upwards of £10,000 for the abum.

Monday 15 November 2010

this is the back of the daydream nation album by sonic youth on this the imagery is less pronounced and the track listing is over the top of it. however it still conforms to the simplicity of the album as the writing is very bold and plain but still effective. for example the boxes around the cd numbers makes them stand out on the back cover. also the writing for the side of the album is very diffrent to the rest of the albums feel as it is quite fancy and bold not like the simple writing on the back. it means that in your cd collection it will stand out almost screaming LISTEN TO ME ! lastly the image of the candle is much less effective as it is blurred on the back this is because the band want the names of the songs to stick in your mind not the image of the album alone.

sonic youth daydream nation

this is the front cover for sonic youths daydream nation. it conforms to the indie genre with the simplicity if the imagery that still has a large imact on the consumer. the image used is somewhat striking and extremely effective as it is regarded as one of the top 10 indie albums ever. the grainy writing and image make it look although the image is printed on canvas and makes it look a little dirty. the image has dark undertones and isnt as happy and cheerfull as the laura marling album. it gives connotations that sonic youth are like the last candle still lit and there lighting a dark room. this is an album cover i remember finding good even as a child when i would flick through my mothers album collection. this proves that it is the kind of image that sticks in your head despite its prevehlent simplicity and dark undertones. also the fact that the band name is very pronounced on the front of the album cover means that not only the image the name of the band and album will also leave an impact on the viewer. finally it conforms with the name of the album ''daydream nation'' it gives connotations of political undertones and fighting the system because it is just a daydream not reality.
sorted the size of the clip out here it is but the quality is poor and obviously the lighting is terrible