Monday 6 December 2010

this is my forst post for a week due to the extreme weather conditions that have been going on. this is the forst day back at school and i am still yet to see peter (one of my actors) and neither has anyone all week so i dont know whats going on there. the snow has braught unforseen complications to my shoot and i now feel that the shot outside is virtually impossible as the snow would make the instruments and amplifiers wet. it has been suggested to me to put them on wooden boards or binbags but the fact it that the snow is still far too deep to actually film in and would cause a continuity nightmare. furthermore there may be some problems with lauren, who is meant to be playing the girl as i am unshure is she wants to do it anymore. finding the right kind of person for this role is proving a challenge as not many people have the confidence and charisma to be in the film. in my opinion if lauren refuses to participate i may have to rewright the storyboard and get rid of the girl concept all together as she was my only taker to the idea of doing it and i cant think of anyone else who would be practical.