Friday 22 October 2010

video mood board

these are some images i have dug up about the image i want the girl and lead singer in my music video to be like. this is because she is the constant throught the production and i would like her to have a certain sexy flare like in these images. the respectible but a little bit dirty girl is a very commonly used thing in indie videos and the members of the bands usually like to portray there sexuality and act 'cocky' on stage not caring what people think generally and what goes on in their lives. therefore i am using it in my video to keep it as a typical indie video that fans can relate to easily

Thursday 21 October 2010

this is my mood board for my album cover i have come up with a new concept that subverts the genre i am going to call the album 'Popular Culture' and have the same image of the woman with the mouth and then have her biting an i phone with the band name and album name on the cover. it subverts the genre because indie music is all about avoinding popular culture and the fact that she is biting the i phone is clever becuase it gives connotations that she is breaking it but the cover still has the same subversion of the indie genre.

Wednesday 20 October 2010


I HAVE HER she said she will do it if we shoot with her braces off which means i now have all my actors

what ive learnt

at the beginning of the year i was illitirate in both the photoshop and adobe after effects programmes. i have now learnt how to use the photoshop effects and how to layer images and leave a certain colour which will be essencial for my digipack. i also learnt how to touch up images in photoshop and clear up skin to make it look better and more professional for the album cover and advert. i also learnt how to use the leave colour effect on after effects this is the staple of my video therefore pretty essencial. at first is wasnt working wll but i learnt how to isolate the colour and the right settings for the desired effect.

Monday 18 October 2010

i have made this on photoshop from an image i found on google this is the general idea for my cd cover but obviously with my own person. i am doing this because it is somthing that will be realted to the video in the colour effect. also it is something that will stand out on a shelf because it is the very bright colour on the black and white image. also it is going to make people pick it up to see who the band is and what the album is because it wont have the name of the band on the front atall.
i have booked out a camera to start shooting my footage over the half term break however still need to sort out school acces during half term

Thursday 14 October 2010

shooting schedule

Saturday the 6th of novenmber shooting in the hall for 3 hours doing footage of the satge sequence.

Sunday 6th November shooting in the common room for 3 hours to record footage of the song in full from each member in each location

Saturday the 13th of November shooting the footage of the band in the field (weather depending) if it is too wet we cannot because instruments wont go well in the mud.

Sunday the 14th of November footage in the cramped small room this is the last shot needed.

this is one of the locations i shot test footage in i took footage in 5 locations and all of them had the desired effect that is illustrated in my previous post. however the lighting in the drama room was uneaven and had dark and light spots therefore the desired 'sin city' effect didnt work because of the shadow the colour was constantly changing. i have remmedied this and i am now shooting this part of my film in the common room as it is the same size but has even lighting everywhere due to a window all the way across the room. however due to it being winter soon if i want the good lighting i will have to book the common room out because after school it will get too dark too early.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

this is the working test footage with good lighting

trying to find actors

im trying to find people who will look good in a band setting and getting them to commit time to it i already have 3 (me,james,abbas) need a blonde girl (lauren is being reluctent because of braces but i think i can sway her) need one more person for the band and someone to shoot footage for it.

Sunday 10 October 2010

ive spent my weekend trying to think of where i can get the costumes and i am undecided weather to go with army gear as a reflection of how the army should be put out of use and this is what people should do instead. or suits to subvert the genre that is generally quite messy and have everyone in a suit

Wednesday 6 October 2010

im looking at this because it links very closely with how i want the video to end up because the point is that the girl is being drawn closer and closer to the band ending up in this confined space. also it represents the genre well because it is a comment on the small demographic indie music appeals to.
I have decided to go with mr earls idea of the bands setting getting smaller and smaller untill they finish in a small confined space and barely have room to play it reminds me of the video close to me by the cure which i will upload at home tonight.
i have been out and shot some test footage for the colour effect and so far so good it all works brilliantly. i now have to organise a band